Applying for Financial Aid
Learn about the application process for financial aid, the eligibility requirements, and the different financial aid programs.
We offer a comprehensive financial aid program, with students receiving assistance in the form of grants, scholarships, student loans, and part-time employment.
Funds are available from federal and state governments, private sponsors, and from university resources. More than 95 percent of the University's full-time undergraduate students receive some form of financial assistance.
Our financial aid staff is dedicated to supporting you throughout the process, so don't hesitate to contact us. Our website also provides a lot of information for families.
Questions about Federal Student Debt Relief (studentaid.gov)
Learn about the application process for financial aid, the eligibility requirements, and the different financial aid programs.
Determine your estimated costs to attend the university and learn about some options to assist you with paying your bill.
Learn about the academic requirements for you to be eligible for financial aid, policies regarding financial aid when withdrawing from the university, and general consumer information.